Loss Events

An example of loss event in a Claimable account.

Loss Events allow you to record specific incidents or occurrences that result in multiple losses, linking together the claims that arise from them.

By keeping track of the details of loss events, along with their related damages and claimants, you can effectively manage and organise complex groups of claims.

This helps you monitor losses caused by events such as natural disasters, large incidents, criminal activities or product defects. In fact, Loss Events can be used for any occasion that yields multiple linked claims and helps you with organisation, workflow, risk management and assessment of a group of claims.


  • Link multiple claims together.
  • Easily organise and report on multiple losses and complex claims.
  • Keep track of losses and costs arising from the same event.
  • Conduct risk assessments smoothly and identify common patterns.
  • Group several claims for reporting and organisational purposes.